Taylor Mali’s travel & performance schedules are arranged and organized by the dedicated crew at Blue Flower Arts.

If you have a question about an order you have placed from this website, please send an email to taylormalipoetry “at” gmail “dot” com.

If you’d like to talk to someone about bringing Taylor to your campus or event to read, perform, teach, demonstrate Metaphor Dice, speak, or in some other way inspire, it should probably start by having a conversation with:

Anya Backlund (she/her)
845-677-8559  office
619-944-9247  cell

Anya has a better sense of where Taylor will be on any given day, and what he can and cannot do. Occasionally, but much less frequently than in the past, Taylor performs for free. If you have an offer, it will get passed along to Taylor.

To contact Taylor directly, you have to write him a letter.

495 HENRY ST # 146
BROOKLYN, NY 11231-5246

For an explanation of some of the workshops, assemblies, and other events that Taylor can be a part of, please look here.